Dear Trinity

Posted by Joyce Bloemker on June 6, 2021

Oops. I didn't even realize the ten year anniversary of Trinity entering our lives was coming up! I feel so bad for missing it! Can I blame everything I have going on right now? Is that lame? I'm sorry, Trinity! 

I made a special post for Boo Boo when we hit ten years together, so it's only fair I do the same for Trinity. 

Dear Trinity,

I can't believe it's been ten years! It has gone by so fast! 

You came into our lives so we could put Boo Boo in the backyard. You were supposed to be a friend for him and a horse for Mom to ride. However, you didn't like when Boo Boo left the field without you which made Boo Boo not like when you left without him! I could barely work the two of you when you were in our backyard because of your herdboundness which rubbed off onto Boo Boo, but I am so grateful for everything you have giving us in the last ten years. I couldn't ask for a better second horse. 

I remember going to see you for the first time. You were little, cute, and a paint! I fell for you right away. You reminded me of Levi so I wanted you. I rode you around the arena and we went for a little trail ride. I remember the saddle slipping the whole time -- something that still happens to us! I've also learned that you aren't as similar to Levi as I first thought, but that's OK. You have your own personality that shines! You are you, and no one else.  

You used to do therapeutic riding and I can still see that in you. You are amazing with people who don't know what they're doing. Although, with me you don't pay attention to anything you're supposed to! I really love to watch you work with others. I have seen you connect with people that are nervous or new to horses and bring out the best in them. My favorite was when you did horse camp with an autistic boy.

When I moved across the country for the second time, I brought you and Boo Boo with me, and it was a much easier trip with both of you than with just Boo Boo. 

When we moved back you got your first taste of grass, but you ate daisies first when you were put in your field! You had a hard time being separated from Boo Boo at first, but then you made some new friends. We finally started properly riding together. We jumped because that's what I love to do. You are a great little jumper! You are so much fun to jump and I loved it. You have the biggest heart and always do your best to do what I ask. You easily got confused at times and had no idea what I wanted, but you still tried your best. Thank you for that. You jumped your heart out for me.

Eventually, you showed me that you love to pole bend, so we went from jumping poles to weaving them! Your enthusiasm for weaving was contagious and I love it too! What I love most though is your love for it and your ability to know exactly what to do. I only need to make sure you go far enough around the poles so that my knee doesn't knock them down. You know the pattern and you love that aspect of pole bending. 

Now, we have certainly had our moments. You have frustrated me to no end at times. Most frustrating is when you aren't paying attention to me at all, you aren't connected to me at all, yet you still do what I ask of you. I wish we could build up more of a connection so you're looking at me and not the horses outside of the arena! 

You are also my "problem child." But you really aren't that problematic. You have your issues, sure, but you are so well behaved and your issues are pretty minor. You are stiff. You have some breathing problems. However, you are still calm 98% of the time. You do everything I ask. You try your best at everything. Compared to Boo Boo who has had three abscesses in the last twelve years you are a problem, but compared to the horse world in general you are such an easy keeper! And I do take you for granted a lot of the time. You spoil me so much, just like Boo Boo. Thank you for that. Thank you for being you.

Let's reflect on some of our adventures:

2011: You joined our herd and moved into my backyard with Boo Boo. I didn't know you very well yet, but I knew I could trust you completely. 

2012: We really started forming our bonding with a lot of groundwork.

2013: We moved halfway across the country. You made new friends and got to enjoy grass for the first time. 

2014: We started having so many adventures! We started having lessons, and we started jumping. You got a new boyfriend. You made friends with Ellie Mae. We also helped with horse camp and you got to connect with an autistic boy during horse play. It was beautiful to watch.  

2015: We went to a western show and you showed me how much you love pole bending, and we went swimming. 

2016: You got a random hole in your leg. 

2017: You got your stifles injected and had to stay in a stall for almost a week. When you went back out you bucked and got to reunite with your best friend in the field at the time, Roxy.  

2018: We moved to a new barn where we rode around the cow field and you were always surprised to see them. You became good friends with the mules. I ponied you off of Boo Boo for the first time. You started having breathing trouble.

2019: We moved barns again. Your breathing problems continued. We didn't get to do much together. 

2020: We did some really fun photo shoots. You helped me teach a friend some basic horsemanship. We moved barns again. 

2021: You started CBD and are doing great. We even started weaving again! It feels so good.

Some of these memories feel so fresh. Some feel like a lifetime ago. I still can't believe we have been together for ten years. You are a blessing. You are an amazing horse. I could not ask for a horse better than you. 

You still seem so young at 24, I'm almost afraid you'll live forever! 

Thank you for your love. Thank you for your amazing heart. Thank you for trying so hard. Thank you for being you. I love you. 

Here's to many more adventures to come!



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A Calm Fall Day on the Farm