Boo Boo and I did our first clinic! I have never done a clinic or taken a horse somewhere for just the weekend before, so I was a little nervous at first but we ended up having so much fun.
Since the weekend before was the hunter pace (click here to read all about that adventure) Boo Boo knew exactly what was happening when he saw the trailer and he wasn't too thrilled about it. It took a couple of tries but he loaded nicely and didn't have any anxiety on the ride over at all!
Boo Boo unloaded calmly and went right into his stall. Once again he started eating hay immediately but he didn't drink any water for a while.
Once he was settled in and the trailer was parked, Ciro's mom pulled in with Ciro and Santana. They were in the stalls beside us, and Boo Boo and Ciro got to sniff and see each other through their shared wall. Just like at the hunter pace with Santana, Ciro and Boo Boo were still best friends!
All the horses settled in nicely and ate their dinner. Then we had to go back to Ciro's barn for a few things they forgot before heading home for the night.
Day One
The horses had a good night at the fairgrounds but were waiting for us and anxious to get breakfast. They all had shavings on them and drank some water during the night.
Already I could tell how Boo Boo keeps his stall - I have never stalled him long enough to know. He keeps a neat stall. All his poop was lined up along the back wall. However, he loves using hay for bedding so he wasted a lot of hay by spreading it around! I don't know if using a hay bag instead of throwing it on the ground or using straw instead of shavings would help at all. Any ideas or tips?
Then the clinic officially started. We gathered around in a circle in front of the barn to meet the trainers and introduce ourselves to everyone. There were about twenty horses there so it was a big group but not too big. The first class was horsemanship and we decided to take Boo Boo, Ciro, and Santana for a walk to stretch their legs.
When we got back from our walk, we tacked up. Ciro and Santana actually got a little ride on them, but I joined in the trail in hand class with Boo Boo. He did great. Most of the obstacles he has seen before, and he even trotted with me without being dragged! He's normally pretty slow to start moving when I do, but after spending the night in the stall he had a lot of pent-up energy. I feel like this made us look even better than we really are.
After lunch, there was a driving demonstration. I have always wanted to learn how to drive, and although I still haven't done it, I learned a lot about it.
Finally, I rode Boo Boo! Most of the riders were Western and about three of us were English, so the English riders got a private lesson in framing our horses' heads. I learned a long time ago to wiggle the bit left and right in their mouth to get their nose tucked, but I was never taught to use my legs to push them forward into it. This is something Boo Boo and I have always struggled with, but he was doing amazing by the end of this ride!
Then there was a barrel racing class. Only a handful of people did it, and I was the only rider in an English saddle. Barrel racing may not be my or Boo Boo's main sport, but I learned so much and had the best time! I even have a better understanding of how to ask for the flying lead change, something I've always wanted to do but never rode a horse who knew it well enough to teach me. Boo Boo had a great time too because he was finally allowed to canter! We did a few exercises to prepare for the pattern then we got to run the full pattern twice.
That was the last riding event for the night so I got Boo Boo settled back in his stall and gave him his dinner. Then Tracie, who taught barrel racing, showed us some trick riding and allowed us to do a few on her horse. I got to stand up and hang upside down! I had so much fun! My brother says the pictures look like I fell while trying to stand so I guess trick riding isn't in my future...
After the trick riding, Boo Boo and I both got MagnaWaved and we really enjoyed it. The tightness in my shoulders was gone and Boo Boo laid flat out in his stall and munched on his hay that night.
Day Two
Ciro's parents and I were so tired we slept in and missed Cowboy Church, but as soon as we got to the grounds we fed the horses and got tacked up to do some more work on framing the horses. We had all twenty horses in the arena being ridden that morning so it was crowded, but everyone was smart and respectful so it went very smoothly.
After lunch, we watched a Western dressage demonstration and each rode a part of a Western dressage pattern. One thing I learned is that changing gates is different in Western dressage from English dressage. In English dressage, you change gates at one specific point. In Western dressage, you change gates between two points. For example, in English dressage you transition from a walk to a trot at "M" while in Western dressage you transition from a walk to a trot between "M" and "B". (Please note I have very limited dressage knowledge and completely made up that example.). Dressage is something else I would love to learn more about, from either world.
Then we had a trail challenge. The instructors set up an easy pattern to give everyone a chance at winning. Boo Boo did amazing! I felt like we did everything just like we were supposed to, and we ended up in third place. I think my favorite part was Ciro and the other Thoroughbred were the only ones that were scared to walk across the bridge.
Then we took some pictures of me with Boo Boo and Ciro - my boys. We never got pictures of the two palominos together before and I was so excited to finally get some! I love them both so much and can't wait to get them together again!
The drive home was easy and Boo Boo was once again happy to be home. He unloaded calmly and I put him out in his field. He kept running halfway out at full speed and coming back to the gate. I think Boo Boo was happy to have space to run around again.