Disclaimer: I was given a copy of this book to read for review. Writing this blog post was not part of that agreement.
Title: The Mysterious Horse House
Author: Lisa Wysocky
Year Published: 2021
Publisher: Fura Books
What's it about?: Keela has lives a life of seclusion full of questions her uncle, aunt, grandma, and groom won't answer for her. She decides to follow the mysterious lights outside her window to try and find the answers for herself, but is it a mistake?
It was a really easy and light-hearted read.
There are cute illustrations throughout the book.
Keela, Tiernan, and Oren are really fun characters who are able to teach readers so much about themselves and being friends.
I don't want to give anything away, but there were some plot twists I did not see coming! I love when I'm not able to predict plot twists.
The tension right before the climax was really built up and I was genuinely invested in the story. I was worried there wasn't enough time to resolve everything!
No questions were left unanswered.
This story was slow to start. A few things happened, but nothing really flowed together until after the first quarter of the book. After the first quarter everything flowed really well and the action didn't stop.
Wysocky did a great job of combining magic with the real word to create a grand adventure.
This book is geared towards a younger audience, but I still had a lot of fun reading this story. This also means the story is not super complex, but I really enjoy an easy and light read occasionally.
This is a great story for young horse lovers, but horse lovers of any age can enjoy it.